Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So as some of you may know Robbie had a bit of a day yesterday. He seemed to be a bit clumsy when I took him to daycare and from the car to the front door he walked into a fence, walked into a tree, and ate pavement. I told the teachers that he was having an off day and left. Well of course I get a call around noon and they told me Robbie had sat down to eat lunch at the same time as another kid and they hit heads and Robbie was bleeding from his canal. I thought perhaps it was the infection oozing and went to check it out. I jumped in my car and when I arrived and checked him over yes it was blood and not the infection . The ENT was in surgery so they scheduled an appointment in the morning and the ENT comfirmed that he had ripped the inside of the canal and the medpor was exposed. After calling both Reinisch and Roberson we can still wait until the Aug 17 surgery to address this. We are still dealing with the infection and will continue to do the daily regimin. I am now praying that these next 3 weeks speed by and actually looking forward to his surgery. I can not wait to get my little guy al fixed up.

1 comment:

  1. I hope he feels better soon and I am sure once the surgery is over you will feel a big weight being lifted off your shoulders. Still checking daily on the $$. :o)
