Robert went to the local ENT on Wednesday to get the sponge in the canal out. I came home from work and Tom had givin him a well needed bath and washed his new ear and hair. The ear looked better and was getting back to the skin color rather then the red. His skin graphs for the most part looked really good with the exception of the deeper one on the left. It still looks raw and contnues to bleed with dressing changes. When we got in the room to see the ENT he had lots of questions and didnt like how swollen the ear was and decided he would be comfortable calling Dr. Roberson. We went back to the waiting room and were thinking the worst. We had already decided if this doctor cant do it we would pack up and just take Robbie back to Palo Alto to the CEI. When we were called back in the doctor came back with a different attitude and said he had spoken to Roberson and he was a really nice guy. He explained to us he has never seen the medpor ear and only the rib graph. He said Roberson told him the medpors swell more.
Robert sat still and allowed him to remove the sponge and the next layer with no problems. He did however ask the doctor what the tool he was using was. The sponge came out with no problems, (again thank you daddy for keeping up on the drops). He said the canal looked great and that Dr Roberson did a great job. We are done with our appointments for 2 weeks now until the next ENT when they take the rest of the packing out and can do the first hearing test.
Dr. Reinisch called that same night after I sent him the pictures of Robbie without the netting and cup. He said things look great and we can take everything off Monday and leave it off unless we dont feel comfortable. Stay tuned on that!!!
Tom and I were pretty stressed the whole time the dressings and cup were off and tried our best to get Robbie to sit. We left it off until about 9:30 that night.
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