Monday, September 21, 2009

Fungus to Bacteria

Well we went from the fungus drops back to the bacteria drops today. The ENT took a culture from the exposure and it came back staph bacteria. The exposure site on the outside has doubled in size and I now have a 2x a day daily regime of squeezing puss out of the exposure to prevent build up and a possible worse infection. I never thought I would think this but I am looking forward to removing this medpor. I just think the little guys skin has gone through so much around the medpor. The sad part is again the medpor is starting to take shape and sink in and look really nice. It is a constant struggle to keep Robbie from touching his ear. The last thing I need is a 4 year old with dirty fingers touching the exposure. Tomorrow will be our 3 week count down to surgery. Then we will have the long process of healing before the medpor can be placed back in.

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