Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I am getting really impatient waiting to take the cup off tomorrow and cleaning everything up and taking a peek. I have over obsessed myself with waiting for my little guy to go to sleep and then shining a flashlight through the cup holes on his ear to investigate every little spot LOL. Sleep at night has not been something I am able to do. Robbie sleeps in the middle of Tom and I and I feel like I am working at a diner flipping pancakes nightly since he always turns over and lays on the cup and I flip him back. This is leading to the thought of NO WAY can the cup come off on Thursday for good. We do have silicon putty that Dr R gave us to make night time molds but I am a little freaked to just use that for now.
I do have good news, the swelling in the tummy is completely gone and the skin graph site on the tummy also looks really good. I still haven't took pics to post but tomorrow when I am chasing the poor guy around the house with the camera I will take some of the tummy.

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